Okay, Now Listen

Okay, The Whites Can Go

Episode Summary

On this episode, we start by checking in on what was possibly the longest week of all of our lives. Then, we chat about a few of our favorite white TV shows that we might actually want to take with us to the other side. And the moment we’ve all been waiting for: Sylvia quizzes Scottie in a game of "Does Scottie Know This White Person?" In this week’s Putting You On, we share the only recommendation that matters right now and that's Netflix's “The Crown,” returning with Season 4 on November 15th.

Episode Transcription

Okay, Now Listen Season 1 Episode 15 Transcript

[Music In] 

Scottie Beam: You're listening to Okay, Now Listen, a biweekly show where we chat about what's on our minds, what we're bingeing and what's blowing up our timelines. I'm Scottie Beam, a.k.a. Ivy Park Beam. I'm a media personality, content creator, music enthusiast and a wing connoisseur. 

Sylvia Obell: And I'm Sylvia Obell. I'm a culture writer, host, producer and lover of Beyoncé. And a commoner who had to buy her own Ivy Park this week. 

Scottie: No! [laughs] Don't start. Don't start. Don't start. 

[Music Out] 

Sylvia: [laughs][crosstalk] Even though I get on this podcast every damn week and shout Beyoncé out. It's fine, B. It's fine, B. You know best. Girl, maybe next year. [laughs]

Scottie: There's a Drip 2 that's coming and it's going to come your way. Oh Sylvia. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] I will never stop loving you, Beyoncé. I will never stop saying your name. I don't care how many drops you leave me out of. 

Scottie: You know, is forgetful sometimes. You know, our queen is forgetful. 

Sylvia: I did --. 

Scottie: Sometimes. 

Sylvia: I did move. Like it's my, it's my own fault. I'm --

Scottie: That's also true. 

Sylvia: She didn't get my. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] That's also a fact. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Update of address. It's fine. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] You know. But what a week, Jesus. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Girl. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] This has been, Sylvia.  

Sylvia: [crosstalk] The longest -- the longest week. This week has been the longest year of my life. Truly, I, I feel like I've hit a wall. I'm very tired. Several nights of staying up late and just waiting, waiting, waiting. Like it was just literally -- it's like every, every day last week felt like a deeper -- like I fell deeper into like Dante's Hell Inferno, whatever that [laughs] -- whatever that thing we had to read in AP English class was. [laughter] Like circle of hell. Like deeper and deeper into the next circle of hell is where I fell. [laughs]

Sylvia: And after all that waiting, when the votes came in, people were surprised about how white people were voting. And why would you be surprised? Because I wasn't. I mean, I have never been disappointed with white people because my expectation is on the floor. The bar is on the floor. So I've never been surprised or  --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Disappointed. 

Scottie: Even like, upset. Yeah, because why? Why, why would I be upset? 

Sylvia: Yeah. I mean, you're a realist. I think for me, I completely agree with you. I just think I've never been more sad to be correct. 

Scottie: ssRight. 

Sylvia: I've never hated being like I just I don't hate being right. I usually and very much enjoy it. But in this case, I always just hate humanity proving to me that I should have no hope in that shit because that's a pretty depressing thing. 

Scottie: Honestly. Heart to heart. Like black people come here. Come really close. The fuck was y'all thinking? What -- when did y'all feel like, Okay, yes, now is the time to trust these white people to do the right thing because of Trump? That's why you thought it would be better? Like you thought that you could trust these white people with doing the right thing when history will tell you over and over again they never get the job done. The job has never been done. So, you know, for us to continue to see -- you know, keep being like, mmm, mmm, oh, man, I am disappointed. How? How? Y'all sat there with these performative-ass white people on Instagram who are listening and learning all fucking day, that was taking their time --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] All year. 

Scottie: For just one month --. 

Sylvia: All of quarantine. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Right. Not -- shit. All -- for one month in June --

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Ordering the books but not reading them. [laughs]

Scottie: Right. Asking to be educated and start a dialog, [laughter] pissing me the fuck off. And y'all sitting here wasting your breath in time --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] [laughs] Start a dialogue. 

Scottie: With trying to educate these white people known that good and damn well they're going to heel toe they ass to the poll and vote for Trump. Y'all really are going to piss me off. We literally, you know, like Taylor Crumpton had wrote a beautiful piece for Washington Post. And at the end she had said, we're just here to protect ourselves. And that's all we need to do. That's it. 

Sylvia: The theme of the week, the year, our lives is that we are all we got. Black people are going to continue to save ourselves and others. You're welcome. Because we have to save you to save ourselves. But I do think that, like, to your point, people reaching just an edge of like, I think whatever, two percent or three percent of whatever some optimists of hope people had has been diminished. White people have shown and proven who they are twice. [laughs] And I think that we just need to let them go. It's to the point, Scottie, where I'm considering giving up white people altogether. [laughs]

Scottie: Oh. Well, welcome to this side of the world. I -- refreshments are in the back.

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Just -- even the ones --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Come and stay a while.

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Even the ones -- cus even the nice ones, even the ones I enjoy on TV --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] What nice ones? 

Sylvia: Even the programming I like. You know that, you know, the ones that seem to be allies with their black boxes and their racist relatives. Because you know what? They all looked me in the eye for the past four years and said they were going to have some talks at the dinner table that clearly failed. So now I'm done. [laughter] So now I"m done. Your racist relatives don't give a fuck about you or your opinion, clearly, they got no respect for you at all. They -- they just really -- they don't care. So now I'm done caring as well. 

Scottie: Ugh. 

Sylvia: And I'm moving on. So I think it's -- I don't know. What do you think? I mean, I know you've been here. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I-- shit. 

Sylvia: You've been here on like a person to person level. It's ve -- we know you have no more white friends. If you ever had any. 

Scottie: I've never had -- I had one white friend. [laughter] Her name was Hannah in third grade. Shout out Hannah. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] It would be Hannah. [laughs]

Scottie: I don't know where you at now, probably voting for Trump. So not shout out to you. I take you back. [laughter] But I, I don't subscribe to it. I just don't. I love my Black friends. I will continue to be around my Black friends. I just don't trust. I'm sorry. I have no trust for the white people. So it is time to say goodbye to all the white shit. I'm very excited to do this. Sayonara. Goodbye. C'est la vie. All of the other really -- Chao. Bye. [laughter] To all the -- to all the whites shit. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] You try -- you trying to figure out other languages to say goodbye. [laughs]

Scottie: All of it. I'm trying to think of all of them. Goodbye forever. C'est la vie. I hope that's how you say c'est la vie. C'est la vie. 

Sylvia: [laughs] Well I'm with you. I feel that. And I'm ready to get rid of most of them. But I -- I gotta admit there might be one or two that I would like to just bring on Noah's Ark. Well, let's not call it Noah. Cus Noah was -- what's a black, what's a black name that begins with N. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Noah’s Black. 

Sylvia: Noah's Black? 

Scottie: Nelson. 

Sylvia: Was Noah Black in the Bible? I can't -- [laughs]

Scottie: [crosstalk]  No -- Nelson. Nelson is Caribbean. His Caribbean Ark. 

Sylvia: [laughs] On, on Nino Brown boat -- on Nino Brown's boat. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Nino Brown boat. [laughs]. 

Sylvia: [laughs] We might, we might bring just if we had to bring three, if we got picked two to three white ones that we would save on the raft with us. [laughter] I'd like to just maybe have that discussion. 

[Music In]. 

Scottie: Yes, I would like that too. Let's do it. Let's do it. 

Sylvia: Let's do it. Let's do it. 

[Music Out] 

Scottie: Okay, so obviously, you know, the first white TV show that I have to acknowledge, Sylvia --. 

Sylvia: Yes. Go ahead. 

Scottie: The motherfucking Office. [laughter] Listen to me right now, Netflix turn this volume the F up, right now. Do not get rid of my show. Don't do it. I will literally send the petition and have Sylvia and me sign it [laughter] and a few other people that help me -- help us with this podcast, because I need The Office to go on. There's just something about The Office that's -- it's just warmth to me. It's funny. Every character I, I like hold deep, like really close to my heart. So The Office is something I'm just not letting go of ever in life. Please watch it if you can. It's an amazing show. Prison Mike. Shout to prison Mike. Like I, I can't ever let go of The Office. It's just something I can't do. I have to watch it in order to go to sleep. So that just to tell you how much I love that show. Sylvia, you next. 

Sylvia: Another white show that I might have to keep or it's going to be like that might -- we might bring on the boat with us to save on Noah's Ark [laughs] is Grey's Anatomy. Now --. 

Scottie: Ooh! 

Sylvia: Baby, let me tell you, Grey's Anatomy I've been -- it's been part of my life longer than most of my friends. Like I [laughs] -- like Grey's Anatomy, I've been -- that show, has been on forever, ever. And I swear to you, for those of us who have been watching it from the beginning, I've gr -- I'm like, I don't know Meredith is the -- she is my pr -- like my white homegirl, Meredith Grey. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] She really is. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] I literally can't get enough of that show, that hospital show and those crazy white people who can't stop having sex with each other and breaking all kinds of HR codes. 

Scottie: Also, it's how -- it's it's my CityMD. It's my --

Sylvia: It's my CityMD. [laughs]

Scottie: It's, it's how I diagnose others, you know, like so --

Sylvia: [crosstalk] It truly prepared me for the epidemic. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Truly. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] I was like what would --. 

Scottie: I really --. 

Sylvia: Bailey do right now? [laughs]. 

Scottie: Right. Like, I have cured so many things because of Grey's Anatomy

Sylvia: [crosstalk] [laughs] You have wrongly diagnosed so many things [laughter] because of Grey's Anatomy. 

Scottie: I truly have. I have. And I will not stop because I love that show. I came late to it. I started it probably two years ago. 

Sylvia: I remember your binge. Clearly.

Scottie: [crosstalk] Oh my God, Sylvia. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Because Scottie would watch -- she would continue her binge no matter how she was at. So she was at your house, she was picking up where she left off. One time, went to our friend Kiki's house, she was still there watching the whole different set of the episodes. Like are you making all of us  -- 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I was dedicated. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Go through this again? 

Scottie: Too the trauma. Like I was so dedicated to the trauma. And I wanted to feel every bit of it and the literally like --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] It's an abusive relationship. It really --. 

Scottie: Seriously. 

Sylvia: It's really the abusive relationship. And Shonda Rhimes is a masochist, I'm convinced sometimes, like --. 

Scottie: Oh my gosh. 

Sylvia: With that pen. That pen, she will break your heart, put it back together, break it and put it back together. And you won't understand why you keep allowing her to do it. Because I have quit. I have tried to quit Grey's Anatomy no less than three to four times. When George died, when Denny core happened. When Derek died is really when I take a whole season off. I took the whole season off because I --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I'll never forgive her for that. 

Sylvia: I -- Let me let me tell you something, Scottie. I was in my living room, I'll never forget, watching that thing on TV. I was on my floor, in my floor sobbing like a parent had just died. And I looked up and I said to myself, Self, TV's not supposed to make this -- do this to you. This is supposed to be entertainment. I should not have to be going through this. And I quit it for a year. But this is why I know I can't quit it forever. And this is what I have to keep the Grey's Anatomy with me because not even then was I able to stop. My ass still came back a year later and caught up on Netflix and kept watching because I love Grey's Anatomy. And technically, it's technically a white show, but it has a bunch of Bl -- it's, I think, it's like a Trojan horse Black show. It has a white lead. But then -- 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Shout to Katherine. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Everybody else is Black. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yeah. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] [laughs] Actually. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] But shout out to Kath. Katherine

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Debbie Allen out there. 

Scottie: And I am very, very -- I truly, you know, if we ever do speak to Shonda, I really need to have a conversation about --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] We need to have a heart to heart. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] What she did to Derek because [laughter] that -- mmm. 

Sylvia: Shonda --. 

Scottie: And also I think people were crying because that could happen. Derek was think -- Okay, I can't. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Yeah, I know. It's a lot.

Scottie: [crosstalk] We have to move on. Sorry. I just --

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Yes we have to move on. But Shonda, this is us calling you out. Please, come -- 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Is that how people die? [laughter] Please let me know, is that how people die?

Sylvia: [crosstalk] We have an open invitation. Open invitation. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I can't.

Sylvia: [crosstalk] To this podcast, Shonda Rhimes. Just so you know, in case you weren't sure. But, Scottie, next up. 

Scottie: Another one that I'm -- I have a hard time letting go of. I don't think I can let go because there's only one left. And I can't. Golden Girls. [laughter] Listen. 

Sylvia: [laughs] [sings] Thank you for being a friend. [laughs]

Scottie: I -- first of all, top three and it --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Theme song. 

Scottie: Three theme song. [laughter] Okay? Top three definitely. But I love that show. I watched the show literally from like top to bottom. I've watched every episode. I watch it with my mom. Me and her love the Golden Girls. And, you know, I don't know. For me, it was the wittiness. You know. Dorothy was my girl. Like her sarcasm, her wittiness. The fact that, like, she never laughed. 

Sylvia: Just the dry humor. Just super dry humor.

Scottie: [crosstalk] The funniest one to me ever. Yes. And I love dry humor. Rose, sweetheart. And I think a lot of the times I have friends like that. Like, of course, like you said, we had to see ourselves through these white ass shows. [laughter] And I think when I watched it again and it was available, you know, streaming, I watched it and I was like, these are my friends. These are my friends. And --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Old lady gang. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I love them so much. Yes. Shout out to the old lady gang. 

Sylvia: Betty White is -- we're saving her in the race war. That's already clear. We as the Blacks have been --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] She's just so sweet. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Decided that when the race war breaks out. Betty White, [laughter] we're carrying her on our backs like that. You remember in Hunger Games --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Get behind me Betty. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] When that boy had that white woman -- old woman on his back there in Hunger Games? [laughs]

Scottie: [crosstalk] Right. Get behind me, Betty. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] That spot's for Betty White. You can come --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Come on, Bett. 

Sylvia: We're saving you. Okay. My other favorite white show that I would really -- is really, really, really going hurt to give up the white excellence [laughs] that is The Good Wife. Because ba-by! Let me tell you about The Good Wife. I don't have to tell most of you because lot of y'all know. I know, Scottie you have not watched The Good Wife, but Julianna Margulies, a queen. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I'ma try. I'ma do it.

Sylvia: Did the damn thing with that series. You know, Will Gardner will always have a place in my heart. He was a real one. And I'm -- you know, that's something that I still struggle to even deal with to -- or even speak about to this day. And the people who watch The Good Wife know what I mean when I say that. But the point here is that it would be really hard to give up Lockhart and Gardner law firm. They have seen a lot of people through a lot of -- a lot of trials and tribulations. And I, I love it. It's such -- it's just a good acting. Christine Ba -- like and it's like, obviously, you know, The Good Fight is on now and that's a spinoff of it. And to me, that whole universe is what I would have a hard time giving up. The Good Wife, Good Fight universe. It's a top tier show, top tier acting, seven seasons. Get into it if you can before we cut them all off for good. What you got next? 

Scottie: I'm gonna try that out. And I think I'm going to go with because I'm not done with it. And if, you know, we were taking away shows right now, I would be pretty pissed that it would be ro -- it would be taken from me. So I'ma say Schitt's Creek. Let me tell you something. I know we -- [laughter] I was upset. I was upset during the -- what was it, the Emmys, Sylvia? 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] The Emmys. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] They was taking everything. 

Sylvia: But what'd I tell you all at the top? I tweeted at the top of the Emmys. I said I had mentally prepared myself for Schitt's Creek to win every single comedy award. I'm mentally preparing myself, even though I would like Insecure to win. Because I know, I know, I know white excellence when I see it. And you know, mediocre whiteness gets rewarded all the time. So to be actually funny and all white? Ain't no way. That's a winning combination. 

Scottie: I literally laugh from my diaphragm when I am watching this show. 

Sylvia: [laughs] It's so good! 

Scottie: I haven't felt that kind of happiness since The Office. So I can't let it go. Myra is my girl. I want a shirt with her on it. I love her wigs every single week. It's -- her babies. 

Sylvia: I saw you tweet -- her baby. Her baby. 

Scottie: Her babies. 

Sylvia: I saw you tweet my -- why Myra got so many wigs? And I died. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] So many wigs! 

Sylvia: Cus I was like, they're her babies. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] She's so funny. I don't know. And I'm not done with it. I'm on season four. 

Sylvia: Oh I'm so jealous. 

Scottie: But it brings such a joy to my heart so much that I'm repeating. I repeated the last season because I just wanted to watch it again. It was so funny. And I'm not ready to let go of it because I know the last -- the last season is, what, six? So I'm trying to take my time. 

Sylvia: Yeah. 

Scottie: But I love the damn show. I'm not ready to give it up. Shout to that dad from American Pie. That's what I know him from. 

Sylvia: Eugene Levy. [laughs]

Scottie: And of, of course, I don't know any other names. But I love everybody. 

Sylvia: Well, you recognize Myra. Myra is from a childhood white favorite Beethoven. I would think of her as a mom from Beethoven but also the mom from Home Alone. She's the mom on Home Alone. 

Scottie: Oh, yes. 

Sylvia: When she was younger. 

Scottie: I've never seen Home Alone. But shout out to Home Alone --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] You've never seen Home Alone?! 

Scottie: [crosstalk] No. 

Sylvia: One, two or three? Or four?

Scottie: A white boy left in the house for weeks on end. [laughter] Absolutely not. It's not been a thing of mine. Absolutely not. No. Like Dave Chappelle said, that kid would have got shot long time ago [laughter] playing with these niggas. Please, stop it. Stop. 

Sylvia: Can't --. 

Scottie: No. I've never seen Home Alone. No.

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Oooh. I mean, what did you talk about at lunch time in school? In elementary school? [laughs] I don't even -- 

Scottie: I don't know. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Spoke to the people about. It's all we had! [laughs] What a revelation that Scottie hasn't seen Home Alone. Well, good because -- because it's being thrown away. So glad you don't have to cry over that one. [laughs]

Scottie: Goodbye Home. 

Sylvia: Okay, if I had to -- my third and final draft pick on that -- to save on the raft, if I could, then I'm gonna be really sad about it. But I'm going to delve into the reality sector for just one minute because The Hills. The Hills from MTV, the original cast of The Hills, talking Lauren Conrad, talking Heidi Monta -- well, actually, honestly, Spencer and Heidi can go. Actually in real life they can go. Brody's cute ass with his curly hair. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Very cute. I remember him. 

Sylvia: Brody Jenner. Mmm. A man. Whitney. Everybody's non problematic fave [laughs] from Teen Vogue. 

Scottie: Hmm. 

Sylvia: All of the -- all of the kids from The Hills that essentially, are probably the reason the -- it's 10 percent their fault that I ever even considered living in L.A., because as a Lug -- a Laguna Beach fan, when Lauren went off to Hollywood to start her career in fashion and I was watching them on all the little cool L.A. clubs and their pools and the -- all these little things, I was like, oh ok. Look at it L.A. Look at the little white L.A. culture. How fascinating. But I don't know. I love The Hills. Like I'm -- I'm going to make a confession. Own the whole series on DVD set. 

Scottie: Whoa. 

Sylvia: Got the whole DVD set of the series. 

Scottie: Jeez. 

Sylvia: My mom gave it to me for Christmas one year when I was in college because that's how much I love them white girls! And I'm sure they all have disappointed me one way or another. L.C has never, and never will, and never has. And I will ride for Lauren Conrad for the rest of my days. I am going to hold you. I'm always team Lauren over team Kristin again, the people -- people who know, know. 

Scottie: Mhmm. 

Sylvia: And as I sit here and continue to fangirl embarrassingly over these white women, I can tell that Scottie has completely no idea. [laughs] The people who I am naming. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Child. 

Sylvia: She doesn't know what I'm talking about really. 

Scottie: M-mm. 

Sylvia: I lost her at The Good Wife and I really never got her back. [laughs] 

Scottie: M-mm. 

Sylvia: And I just don't -- my good sis has nothing to say. [laughs]

Scottie: [crosstalk] It was so many names. It was so many names. And usually, like when people say white people's names in Hollywood, I have to like -- somebody has to give me like a movie to remember. And since this is reality TV, I'm like child, I don't know where you -- I don't know who these people are. I don't know who Lauren is. Alex? I don't know if you said a Barbara. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] I didn't even say a Alex. [laughs] Or Barbara. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Oh, well, I don't know what you say, but I know Lynn? Larry? I don't know. All of them is just, it's too many. It's too many. And it made me uncomfortable. 

Sylvia: I love that Brody you knew though, because that's how fine Brody is. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Brody is fine. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] He even caught Scottie's attention.

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yeah. Seen him before. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Seen that nigga before. Well he's not --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I've seen that nigga. That nigga bad. [laughter] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sylvia: But this is to my point, Scottie, literally, I promise you y'all this is how these conversations go with us in real life. I be trying to talk about some white shit and she just really -- it's like she oh, oh that's crazy. Wow, that's crazy. That's how she does me. You know, like when people say like, wow that's crazy, when they have completely d --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I can't give white people this much time. 

Sylvia: Lost interest in the conversation. Because she don't know! So I really have been -- all season. I think we've kind of hinted towards your lack of knowledge [laughs] when it comes to the whites. I, for one, love it because as an entertainment reporter, I've always had to know all of white mainstream culture in addition to Black mainstream culture. Unlike my white colleagues, unlike my white entertainment reporters in the world, I didn't get the privilege of not having to know they're Black shit and white shit. Like they can come on not know a thing about Girlfriends, but -- or hey,  Living Single. But they damn sure can tell you all about Friends. 

Scottie: Absolutely. Absolutely. 

Sylvia: Meanwhile, my Black ass got to write the post about Living Single, A Different World, Friends, Frasier and all this other white shit at the same time. But I love that you are blind to the white shit in the way that a lot of white people are blind to the Black shit because they don't got to. 

Scottie: Right. Because my -- my Holl -- my Hollywood is Black Hollywood. So when I talk about Hollywood, I talk about the Black people in Hollywood. The white people, I don't -- let me tell you, I don't know the names of anyone. I try. I try very hard. 

Sylvia: I love the incredulous of, like, white people assume that we need to know all their shit. Cus they -- if you sit there and talk to people about how you've never seen a Star Wars movie, they will look at you like you were the craziest person in this world. 

Scottie: Never in my life. 

Sylvia: But they, they do it to us all the time. So I want to test out how little, in fact, that you do know about white people in the little game I like to call, Does Scottie Know This White Person? 

Scottie: Oh. I don't know anyone. 

Sylvia: I mean, once you said you didn't know Home Alone, I said, oh, this is going to be rough. 

Scottie: Well, I knew that. I knew that that little boy is in it. --. 

Sylvia: Uh-uh. It's okay. We're not going, we're not going to do this again. Let's just get into the game. [laughs]

Scottie: Matthew McCauley, Matthew Maculkin, Matthew Maculkin -- 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Matthew Maculkin?! [laughs]

Scottie: McColly. McColin -- McCollin Co -- McColin Calky. Something Matthew. Something with Matthew. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Why is his name Matthew? [laughs]

Scottie: His name's not Matthew? McCall -- Macauly Culkin! Boom! Bit! That's it, right? Macaulay Culkin. 

Sylvia: Yes, yes, yes. [laughs]

Scottie: Okay. Boom. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Yes. That's it. [laughs]. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] It's something. Alright. Let's play this game. I'm ready. I got the -- the jets is moving. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Oh god. I'm sorry. That took -- Matthew, Mouthew McCulkin? There's like seventeen of those niggas in that family and not one of their name is Matthew [laughs] I promise you.

Scottie: Wait, there's other Culkins? 

[Music In]. 

[Music Out] 

Sylvia: Okay. So in this game, I'll list some popular TV shows or movies, you have to correct -- and you have to correctly name the white people in them. Pretty simple game for anyone but Scottie Beam. So let's see how this goes. Question number one, who starred in Sleepless in Seattle? 

Scottie: Meg Ryan. 


Sylvia: You're correct. We will give her that one. But it's only because I've said this to her 16 times before today. But yes. 

Scottie: Blee! Blee! 

Sylvia: Okay! Ding! Won. Who stars -- you gotta name both leads, male, female lead -- in the Titanic? Real names. 

Scottie: Leonardo DiCaprio. 


Sylvia: Yes. 

Scottie: And that -- that's none other -- [laughter] Anna? 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] That's none other? 

Scottie: Hilson.

Sylvia: Anne? 

Scottie: That's Anna -- that's Anna Hath -- No. That's not Anna Hathaway. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Anna Hathaway? [laughs]

Scottie: That's -- that's none other than Jennifer. Jen. Jen. Jen. Jen, ugh, Wilson. 

[sad sound effect]. 

Sylvia: [laughs] You made up that name all the way up. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] [laughs] All the way up. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] [laughs]I'm about to -- this fucking name. Kate Winslet --

Scottie: [crosstalk] Who is -- Roseta? Rosie?

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Kate Winslet! 

Scottie: [crosstalk] It's Katie! 

Sylvia: Is her name. And what's funny, I have to say, is for the people in the, in the back, I don't have the answer sheets. So the fact that I'm just giving you this off the top of my head, really shows the difference. 

Scottie: Kate Winslet? 

Sylvia: I got the questions without the answers. 

Scottie: Winslet? Kate. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Ok. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I seen her before.

Sylvia: Yes. It was Leonardo DiCaprio and Ka -- and Anna Hathaway. No, it was Kate Winslet. [laughs]. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] It was somebody. 

Sylvia: [laughs] All right. 

Scottie: Yeah. 

Sylvia: Okay. The next question is, it's a two cent question, you're going to pick: was it Sandra Bullock or Jennifer Aniston? 

Scottie: Oh. Easy. 

Sylvia: I'm going to name the movie title and you tell us which one it was. 

Scottie: Okay. 

Sylvia: Miss Congeniality. 

Scottie: Sandra. 


Sylvia: Bruce Almighty. 

Scottie: Jennifer Aniston. 


Sylvia: Ok. 

Scottie: Thank you. Thank you. 

Sylvia: Good job. 

Scottie: I don't play about my Jennifer Anistons. Nor -- I mean, Sandra, too. [laughter] Sandra. I watch a lot of Sandra movies. Yeah.

Sylvia: Those are some good ones. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yeah. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Those are some good ones. Those some funny wh -- funny white women. Which Emma is it? And I'm to tell you the different Emma last names just to help you out a little bit. It's going to be either Emma Roberts, who fun fact is related to Julia Roberts. Emma Roberts, Emma Stone or Emma Watson. [laughs]

Scottie: I know Emma Stone because she's married to Jim. I think that's the right white I'm talking about. But let's just go. 

Sylvia: No. It's -- I know who you're talking -- it's not. 

Scottie: Oh. It ain't Emma Stone. So this a different Emma Stone. 

Sylvia: It's not an Emma. 

Scottie: This a different -- Okay. 

Sylvia: [laughs] Only one. There's only one Emma Stone. 

Scottie: I don't know Emmas but let's go. Come on! 

Scottie: Okay, Harry Potter movies. Which Emma was it? 

Scottie: [Guffaw]

Sylvia: Let me ask you something, Scottie Beam. Because this is, this is something I really --. 

Scottie: [Guffaw]. 

Sylvia: Actually. Have you never watched a Harry Potter movie? I've never, I've never asked you. 

Scottie: Never in my Black ass life. No. I don't know --

Sylvia: I -- I am the I am the kid that read every Harry Potter book and watched every premier movie like it -- That is my -- that was my life. [laughs] As a k -- Like middle school. Like what? 

Scottie: And I was the one reading Eric Jerome Dickey [laughter] books and Sista Souljah when I was told not to. So. Yeah. 

Sylvia: I read those too. I read those too. 

Scottie: Shout out to Flyy Girl. 

Sylvia: But Okay, so. Emma W --

Scottie: Yeah. 

Sylvia: That would be Emma Watson --. 

Scottie: Ok. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] In the Harry Potter movie. Again I'm doing this on top because Jess did not give me the answer --. [laughs]

Scottie: [crosstalk] Ok. That's the girl with the long -- that's the one with the long hair. She was part of the trio. 

Sylvia: She's the one who plays Hermione. 

Scottie: She was part of the trio in the movie. It's her, the redheaded man --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Yes. Yeah

Scottie: [crosstalk] And the Harry. 

Sylvia: Yes. 

Scottie: Okay. 

Sylvia: Yes. [laughs]. 

Scottie: Is his name Harry Pot -- is that Harry Potter? That's Harry, though, right? The main guy. 

Sylvia: His, his real name is Daniel Radcliffe. 

Scottie: Oh, I don't know him. But I'm saying Harry is the main dude. Okay, go ahead. 

Sylvia: Yes. Harry is --. 

Scottie: Emma Robinson. 

Sylvia: Main dude. Yes -- no. [laughs] Emma -- that was Emma Watson. 

Scottie: Emma Watson. 

Sylvia: You still have Emma Roberts and Emma Stone. 

Scottie: Go ahead. 

Sylvia: La La Land, the movie that tried to take the -- Moonlight's Oscar. [laughs]

Scottie: Okay, I know that's a Emma. So that's Emma Stone. 


Sylvia: Correct!

Scottie: Okay, I know that Emma. She was in Easy A. 

Sylvia: Yes, she's the redhead Emma. 

Scottie: Yes, Okay, that's the one I knew, I knew. Okay, I knew, I knew somebody with the red hair. 

Sylvia: She's not married to Jim from The Office, though. [laughs]

Scottie: No, that's a different Emma. That's a different Emma. 

Sylvia: Her name, her name is not --. 

Scottie: It's probably Emma. I don't know. 

Sylvia: [laughs] Okay. 

Scottie: Go ahead. 

Sylvia: Last one, American Horror Story. Well, it's got to be that last Emma, because I don't rem --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] [laughs] It's gotta be that Em --. 

Scottie: Gotta be that last Emma. Emma Jones. Emma -- 

[sad sound effect]

Sylvia: Yep. 

Scottie: That's it. That's the Emma --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Emma Robertson. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I'm talking about. 

Sylvia: [laughs] Emma Roberts. Just think Julia Roberts, Emma Roberts. 

Scottie: Yes. Shout out to Emma Roberts. 

Sylvia: I think that's her niece or something. 

Scottie: I don't know who that is and what she looks like, but --. 

Sylvia: Well, girl, hold on to your horses because we're moving on to the next most popular white name in the world, Chris. [laughs] So now you're going to have to tell me if it was Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Chris Evans or Chris Pratt. Use the Chrises.

Scottie: Okay. 

Sylvia: The most popular person in Hollywood. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] One of these niggas is Thor. I know that. 

Sylvia: Correct! 

Scottie: Ok. 

Sylvia: Do you know which one is Thor? 

Scottie: Chris Hemsworth. 


Sylvia: Correct! 

Scottie: Okay, yeah he fine. I remember that. 

Sylvia: Because he -- that Liam. That Liam older brother, Miley's ex. Miley Cyrus's ex, Liam's, older brother.

Scottie: We've gone too far. I don't know who Liam is, but I know who Chris is. [laughter] Keep it going. The wheels are turning. 

Sylvia: Okay the next on -- Okay. Yes. Because you -- because you this is, this is why this might be helpful for you, because you watch these, these comic action movies and shit. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yes. 

Sylvia: Guardians of the Galaxy, which Chris is it? 

Scottie: Chris Pine. 

[sad sound effect] 

Scottie: Chris Pine is a racist. Correct.

Sylvia: It's not Chris Pine. 

Scottie: Who's other Chrises is you named? 

Sylvia: Chris Evans. Chris Pratt. You've already named Chris Hemsworth --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Chris Pratt! Chris Pratt! It' Chris Pratt. 


Sylvia: [crosstalk] Yep it's Chris Pratt. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Chris Pine. I don't know who the hell that is. And one of these niggas -- ain't one of these niggas Captain America?

Sylvia: Do you know which one? 

Scottie: Chris Evans. 


Sylvia: Correct. 

Scottie: Thank you. 

Sylvia: Correct! [applause]. 

Scottie: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [laughter] Who is Chris Pine? Who the hell is Chris? 

Sylvia: He's Star Trek. Chris Pine. He starred in Star Trek. The new ones.

Scottie: [crosstalk] Oh nope. Never seen it. Never heard of it. M-mm. 

Sylvia: Chris Pine was also in the mov -- let's see. Let me Google real quick and see if there's a Chris Pine movie you would know. 

Scottie: Chris Pine. Hmm. 

Sylvia: He was in Wonder Woman. Did you watch that? 

Scottie: I'll never watch a white woman try to save the world. Next. 

Sylvia: [guffaw] [laughs]. 

Scottie: Never be in my face. Never be something I'm watching. So next. 

Sylvia: Alright, moving on. [laughs]

Scottie: That ain't even --. 

Sylvia: I'll never watch -- I'll never watch a white woman try to save the world. 

Scottie: What kind of fiction is that? This is ridiculous. No. [laughs] Absolutely not. Let's keep it going. The wheels are turning. 

Sylvia: [laughs] Okay we're down to the -- Yes. He was the daddy in Wrinkle In Time too. Did you watch A Wrinkle in Time

Scottie: Shout out to Wrinkle in Time. I knew what y'all did for the little girls out there. 

Sylvia: You better give your pretty art statements. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Shout out to Wrinkle In Time.

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Shout out to Storm Reid. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Shout out to Storm Reid. Shout out to Oprah. Shout out to Mindy, all of y'all in that. [laughter] I couldn't get through it but I'm sure --. 

Sylvia: All right. 

Scottie: Shout out to the kids. 

Sylvia: Whoooo! Whoo. Whoo! Whoo! Okay. Last of the name games. Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling. 

Scottie: I know. 

Sylvia: I'm -- we're going to give you the easy one first, The Notebook. Which Ryan was it?

Scottie: Ryan Gosling. 


Sylvia: Yes. Thank God, child. Because the way you been tweeting --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yes. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] If you didn't know which one, I was gonna be like, Noah is Ryan Gosling.

Scottie: [crosstalk] Ryan -- Ryan Reynolds is Green Lantern. 

Sylvia: That -- So that is Ryan Reynolds you should picture in your head when I ask you which Ryan was in Deadpool

Scottie: Ryan Reynolds. 


Sylvia: Correct. Which Ryan was in the Mickey Mouse Club

Scottie: Ryan -- Ryan Gosling? Oh, Ryan Gosling. Because Justin and Ryan are friends. 


Sylvia: Oh actually, you're right. I gave that away. Yes! 

Scottie: Thank you. 

Sylvia: Correct. Next question. This was one of mine. I stand by this question. I want you to name the cast of Friends by their real names. 

Scottie: First of all. 

Sylvia: So I'll help you out by naming their fictional name. And you tell me who played the real person. 

Scottie: Ok. 

Sylvia: Who played Rachel? 

Scottie: Jennifer Aniston. 


Sylvia: There you go. 

Scottie: Thank you. 

Sylvia: Who name -- who played. R -- who played Ross? Her lover --. 

Scottie: His name, his real name is Ross. Ain't his real name the real name? 

Sylvia: [laughs] Is his real name Ross? 

Scottie: His name is Adam. He looks like an Adam. So I'm giving him -- He had dark hair, Adam Ross. 

[sad sound effect]

Sylvia: No. 

Scottie: Okay. No. Go ahead. 

Sylvia: Day -- David. David Shimshmshmmvsher. 

Scottie: Oh, nope. Not Gonna remember that! 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] [laughs] I don't remember how to say his last -- Schismembaum. David Schwimmer.

Scottie: Yeah. David Schimmerhorn. Now.

Sylvia: [laughs] Okay, Phoebe. 

Scottie: That's Lauren. [laughter]. 

Sylvia: This -- this shouldn't be so much fun but it is. 

Scottie: That's number Lauren, Lauren --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Lauren Hill? 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Lauren -- [laughter]. 

Sylvia:  Lauren Hill play Phoebe on Friends. 

Scottie: Lauren -- Yeah. I don't know who Phoebe is. I -- I'd see her in my mind. I just don't know her name. No. 

Sylvia: What color is her hair? 

Scottie: Blond. 

Sylvia: Okay. Yes. You do see her in your mind. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: Correct. Her name is Lisa Kudrow. 

Scottie: Okay. 

Sylvia: Who played Joey? 

Scottie: Hmm. Well. [ticking timer] Joey? [laughter] He looks --. 

Sylvia: It's a white name you've said before on this here episode --

Scottie: [crosstalk] It's a white name -- 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] When you got somebody else's name wrong. Well, you go --. You said the first name. 

Scottie: I said the first name. And I get his name -- Mark? 

Sylvia: It was a different M. Different M. 

Scottie: Mick? 

Sylvia: [laughs] Matt! 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Matt! 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] You said, Matt McCulkin early -- Culkin earlier. 

Scottie: Okay. So his name is Matthew. 

Sylvia: LeBlanc. Matt LeBlanc. 

Scottie: Matt LeBlanc. Shout out to Matt. Nope. Don't know. 

Sylvia: Who played Monica Geller? Ross's dark haired sister. 

Scottie: Ain't that Catherine Zeta Jones? That's not Catherine Zeta Jones. 

[sad sound effect]. 

Sylvia: Catherine Zeta Jones does look -- well, they both have the same color hair. And they're both white women.

Scottie: [crosstalk] Cat -- so it is Cat -- it's somebody. It's Catherine.

Sylvia: [crosstalk] No, it's -- it's not, though. 

Scottie: It starts with a C? 

Sylvia: It's a C name. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Cindy! 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] It's a C. 

Scottie: Cindy Scott. 

[sad sound effect]. 

Sylvia: Courtney Cox! [laughs]

Scottie: I didn know that name. I did know that. I remember. She was in --. 

[crosstalk] Final one, even though at this point it just feels like--. 

First of all, I'm right. 

Sylvia: Who is Chandler -- who plays Chandler? 

Scottie: Oh, I don't know him. 

Sylvia: Matthew Perry. I'm not even going to waste your time -- 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yeah, no, don't do that. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] His name is Matthew Perry. 

Scottie: Yeah, I don't, I don't know him. I feel like I got it -- a lot of points here. I feel like they should be extra --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] All right. I feel like you lost a lot of things. 

Scottie: No, I feel like --. 

Sylvia: In this here round. I think you might get it back maybe in this next round. Let's see. Name two Nora Ephron movies. 

Scottie: That's your movies. And that's sleep -- Sleepless in Seattle. 


[claps] Correct. 

Scottie: And other one is Harry Met Sally.


Sylvia: Yes! And you know what? My impact. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Thank you. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] I'm just glad that -- that just shows that she listens to when I talk. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Absolutely. I listen. 

Sylvia: Nora -- Nora Ephron is the white Terry McMillan. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: That's the easiest way to remember her. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: And her genre. Congrats. Other movies also, You've got Mail and Julie and Julia. Those are also her movies.

Scottie: [crosstalk] Oh, I like Julie and Julia. I enjoyed that. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Cus that --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Shout out to Meryl. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] That was our Jers -- shout out to Meryl, our New Jersey queen. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Shout out to our queen. 

Sylvia: The one white woman who I'll never not think Scottie knows. So she's not included in this quiz at all. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I will always know. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] The one we acknowledge. 

Scottie: Meryl. Yes. 

Sylvia: Who plays the queen in The Princess Diaries

Scottie: What? 

Sylvia: Have you seen The Princess Diaries

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: Do you know who plays the queen? 

Scottie: She is --. 

Sylvia: Grandmother?

Scottie: None other Diane Keaton, of course. 

[sad sound effect]. 

Sylvia: [laughs] Older. Think older --

Scottie: [crosstalk] It's an older white -- Ju -- Judy --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Older than Diane. 

Scottie: Hmm. Judy. Judy? Judy! 

Sylvia: No. Oh, you said Judy. You said Judy? 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Judith. Judith. 

Sylvia: It's not Judith Dense -- Dench. I know where you're going with that. It's not Judith. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] It's --. It's a J

Sylvia: [crosstalk] It's a J name, though. It's not Judy. 

Scottie: It's J -- J --Hmm, I don't know. I'm lost. Jude!

Sylvia: It's Julia -- not Julia. Julie Andrews. Julie Andrews, Sound of Music

Scottie: [crosstalk] Oh Julie Andrews. 

Sylvia: [sings] The hills are alive with the sound of mus -- ooh! Icon. Legend. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: Me and my mama used to watch Sound of Music when we was growing up. 

Scottie: Aww. 

Sylvia: Julie Andrews, a legend, a queen. Ok. Shout out to Shonda Rhimes, who wrote the sequel to Princess Diaries. White people don't know that. 

Scottie: Oh wow. Didn't know that. 

Sylvia: Final question. 

Scottie: There it is. 

Sylvia: I'ma give you the two names and you pick which one it was. Was it Keira Knightley or Natalie Portman in Black Swan

Scottie: Natalie Portman. It's my favorite movie. 

Sylvia: [ding] 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Don't ever fail. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Ok. [laughs] [claps]. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Black Swan is my favorite movie. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Yeah, I'm so glad we could win-- We can end on a high note. 

Scottie: That was the -- yes. That had me win the whole show because --. 

Sylvia: Mmm? [laughs]

Scottie: Yeah, I feel like --. 

Sylvia: I --? 

Scottie: There it is. 

Sylvia: I don't -- can't quite say that's what happened here. All you can hope for is that the rest of the class failed too and that there's a curve on this here quiz because that's your only chance of passing at this point. But you know, you gave -- A for effort. Honestly.

Scottie: Thank you. 

Sylvia: Truly. You used your context clues. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Thank you. 

Sylvia: You think you picked up every white name you knew in your head in the books. 

Scottie: I told you when it has to do with movies that I like, I'ma remember. You know, I know Natalie Portman in that movie. Now, if you had said any other movie. Absolutely not. I don't know what she did after Black Swan. But I do know --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Or before. 

Scottie: She killed that damn role in Black Swan. It's One of my favorite movies. Absolutely. 

Sylvia: Before we end this segment, I would like to know if you would like to use this moment to reveal your white crush. 

Scottie: No, absolutely not, because I found out about him and I will get cancelled. 

Sylvia: Like all white crushes. Like all white crushes he was problematic. Got it. 

Scottie: Super problematic. Insane. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Skip that question altogether. 

Scottie: Absolutely. 

[Music In] 

Sylvia: Thank you for playing Scottie Beam. 

Scottie: Thank you. 

Sylvia: Better luck next time. 

Scottie: Well. No, it's not better luck because I feel like I won. So I, I got the luck this time. 

[Music Out] 

Scottie: Okay, so usually this is the part of the show where we each put y'all on to something, but there is only one thing for you to be put on to this week. And it's The Crown. Sylvia, Sylvia --. 

Sylvia: Abso-fucking-lutely Scottie Beam. You are absolutely correct right here, girl, cus The Crown? Ba-by! 

Scottie: [laughs] I love it so much. I just got put on to it by Sylvia and I could not stop watching. Of course I finished it. I'm waiting for the next season to come on, what is it, November? 

Sylvia: And it comes on this week. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Oh it's this week! 

Sylvia: It comes out this weekend. The Crown comes out -- the new episodes of The Crown come out this weekend. And I have been waiting for what feels like 10 years for it. Okay, so let's start from the beginning. The Crown -- for those of you who are literally living under the saddest rock and have not found the best white show on Netflix after The Office and I

Scottie: [crosstalk] THank you. Thank you. 

Sylvia: The Crown is about the royal family. It's it's it's historical fiction. But a lot of that shit is true. And that's what's crazy. Is -- it's the crown. It follows the story of Queen Elizabeth from the beginning of her reign on, her and her wild ass family, all their antics. 

Scottie: Yeah. Yeah. 

Sylvia: And literally, it's been the most -- when you want to talk about the tea, the English breakfast tea that is being spilled on this here drama? The actors kill it. Okay? The the writers kill it. The -- And it's like, I'm trying -- what season is this? Maybe season four that's coming up, that's going to be on Netflix. It's the one that everybody's been waiting for because it finally ushers in Princess Diana. And we have been waiting for Diana's appearance. And actually, one thing I do love about The Crown is that the first three seasons were so stellar. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Right. 

Sylvia: Like they've been winning awards and people are into and they didn't even need Diana yet. Like a lot of us thought we would just be waiting for the time when Diana popped up. But dead ass, the queen and her people were going through some shit. Marg -- Princess Margaret --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Let me tell you something. 

Sylvia: Was a messy bitch that looked for drama. 

Scottie: Marg -- Margaret was my bitch though. Margaret was it for me. Philip was about to get his ass beat like every --. Listen

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Hands -- handed to him. 

Scottie: Hello. 

Sylvia: Seasons one and two. All that little attitude. 

Scottie: Hello. 

Sylvia: That ego trip. 

Scottie: Hello. 

Sylvia: That bowing down -- bow down to your queen motherfucker. Bow down. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] I am -- I am your job. This is what he said. I am your job. Absolutely.

Sylvia: Her daddy told you -- her daddy put you in that boat and told you before he died --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Shit. Nigga I am the job. 

Sylvia: And you still went out here. She's your job. 

Scottie: And then on top of that, you got King Edward, who was pussy whipped from the top, from the beginning. That man, Lord, I'll tell you something --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] He gave up -- He abdicated the throne for some --. 

Scottie: Pussy. 

Sylvia: Parisian pussé. [laughs]

Scottie: Hello. Wasn't letting go of it. He got him a taste. And was out of there. Said, Sign me the fuck out. 

Sylvia: Baby? 

Scottie: Goodnight. 

Sylvia: Where is her statue? Where is the statue for the woman that was so good --. 

Scottie: Clocked out. 

Sylvia: That a man gave up being the King of England? And this is what England owned everybody ass. That this is when England owned --. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yes, yes. 

Sylvia: America. Half of Africa. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: All of the Caribbean. Like he was -- it won't -- it's not the King of England with like what, William or Charles going to get. That little skippy. All they don't get is that little island that they're on at this point. Maybe a couple extra. 

Scottie: M-mm. 

Sylvia: This was a British Empire. He gave that thing up. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] Yes. Clock, clocked the fuck out like it was a damn --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] He gave that up. He have his whole family up. He gave his own land up. Just packed up. 

Scottie: And was like goodbye. Ain't nothing, ain't nothing keeping me between this pussy and me. Like I'm good. I'm not leaving. So please. 

Sylvia: You -- The Crown, have it. 

Scottie: Have it. [laughter] I got this pussy and I'm -- [laughs] I'm a keep right here. 

Sylvia: Cus that niggas was on his -- he was on his dead bed like I regret nothing. [laughter] When Carla was supposed to go see him, he was like zero regrets. Highly recommend. 

Scottie: [laughs] That's a fact. That is a fact. I love that show. It's so good and like --. 

Sylvia: And then Phillip punk ass came out. And you know what? So it is trying to give us a little sympathy for the people we hate because let's be honest. 

Scottie: [laughs] Alright. 

Sylvia: Caribbean, African mamas and aunties and grandmama's. 

Scottie: Oh. 

Sylvia: Hate Charles. And so they raised us to hate this nigga as well. Because nobody forgave him for what he did to Diana. You -- we will know -- people were not trying to ever forgive Charles for cheating on America's princess. I know she was in England, but she was ours. 

Scottie: Yo. 

Sylvia: She was everybody's. And you --

Scottie: [crosstalk] I don't know what it was? My grandmother, my nanny, literally, my great aunts, they, you know, they're Be -- they're from Belize. So they take this very seriously. And when I tell you like --. 

Sylvia: It's not a game. 

Scottie: It's not a game. They don't care -- they care about the queen, but they also care -- they just care heavily about Diana. And it was something --. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] Diana --it was it was personal. It was personal. It was personal.

Scottie: [crosstalk] That was all my nanny's heart. She bought me a whole book and was like, you ain't going outside until you read this book. And mind you, that's the only book that she would make me read to do anything. Like --. 

Sylvia: [laughs] I live for that. 

Scottie: It was, it was important. 

Sylvia: I don't know how many of our listeners know my family's Kenyan. So like, I'm first gen Kenyan mom, Kenyan father, Kenyan grandparents. My mom is named after the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Anne.  That's who she was named after because, I mean, if you watch The Crown, you'll see in season one, they take a trip to Kenya. That's actually Nai -- the Queen was actually in Kenya when she found out her dad died. 

Scottie: [crosstalk] And they, they pissed me off with that one-- They pissed me off. 

Sylvia: And it was -- and that shows you -- well that was right before Kenya got its independence, because my mom was born the year Kenya won its independence from England. But my grandfath -- my great, my great grandfather was part of the group of people who helped Kenya get its independence. So he -- but he because he was part of the officers before he was knighted by the Queen. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. So he named my -- he made sure my grand -- my grandparents named his first granddaughter, Elizabeth. It's always fascinating to me how we romanticize our captors. [laughs]

Scottie: Truly. 

Sylvia: The people who held us in that way. 

Scottie: Truly. 

Sylvia: But I do think that even though it's kind of like fairy tale. I mean, in the sense where it's like the same -- I think like the royal families for a lot of Caribbean and African and all these other people, they were celebrities before celebrities were as big as celebrities were kind of a thing. Like that's who people were like, this is royalty. You can't help but look up to it, all this other stuff. But I think that with Diana, it was because it was the closest thing I think any of us have seen to a modern day fairy tale. And then but because it's real life that shit went left. When Diana died. 

Scottie: Oof. 

Sylvia: I remember. I must have been like six or seven. I remember my mom in her bedroom while I walked into her bedroom. She was like, like leaned up on the TV -- leaned up on the TV, crying her eyes out. And I was like, I had never seen somebody cry. I never seen my mama cry over somebody we've never met before. We've never met her. I was so confused until, until A.liyah died like five years later. And then I understood what she was going through, but I literally can't -- like so my mom is obsessed with The Crown I think, because what we love about it now is like it's pulling back the curtain for us to just see how much of a fairy tale it was not. How just ghetto the royal family actually is! And even just understanding Philip's whole role, because I used to be like, is the Queen married? Who's that old man that's always with her. Is he the king? Like what's going on here? So I loved being able to see the whole history of it. I love finding out that the drama om the royal family did not start with Charles and Diana. That they've been been having problems before that, divorces before that. Margaret over here with married men and whatnot. Like all this stuff was happening. And they keep trying to control each other and it keeps getting worse. I hope. I hope The Crown continues to Harry and Meghan getting the fuck up out of there. Probably won't. But I would love to be on the writing team for that season, just putting that out there, because, bitch, I would love to see it. We love it. We stand it. We recommend it. You guys, if you are not caught up, get going. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: Because Diana is coming and we are ready for this season four. 

Scottie: I'm ready for the truth. 

Sylvia: And you need to be too. 

Scottie: I'm ready for the truth and I feel like they tell the truth. 

Sylvia: I'm ready for the truth. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: I'm ready for the truth. And I don't care enough to fully read full biographies about the truth anymore. So thank you for giving me this excellently acted show. And I'm thankful. I, for one, am thankful and I am ready to binge it and watch it over and over again. So thank you. Thank you. 

[Music In]. 

Scottie: Yes. 

Sylvia: Well, all right. That's our show. Thank you all for tuning in. 

Scottie: Our show is a production of Pineapple Street Studios in partnership with Netflix and Strong Black Lead. Shout out to our team. Executive Producers are Agerenesh Ashagre and Jasmyn Lawson. Our Lead Producer is Jess Jupiter. Our music is by Amanda Jones. Special thanks to Max Linsky and Jenna Weiss-Berman.

Sylvia: Make sure you share your thoughts with us on this episode cus I know y'all got some thoughts on Scottie's ass in that quiz. Using the #OkayNowListen. 

Scottie: Child. 

Sylvia: Please, please live tweet, live tweet the experience because --. I wish I could.

Scottie: And agree that you -- you don't know these white people names. 

Sylvia: [crosstalk] I wish I could have. I wish I could have live tweeted this because it was a fun time for me. And follow Strong Black Lead on the socials @StrongBlackLead and follow us too. I'm @SylviaObell. 

Scottie: And I'm @ScottieBeam. 

Sylvia: Until next time, folks, stay blessed. 

[Music Out]